Writing has kind of always been my thing. If you’re really really close with me, you know you’re more likely to get a note than a hug from me, so it makes sense I was in the School of Journalism at Ole Miss. Technically, I studied Integrated Marketing and Communications, which clearly ended up being useful, as I created a brand of my own, but I haven’t integrated those actual journalism skills into my brand yet.
This brand has always been about taking my own experiences and creating something people can relate to. My experience was that I felt fashion was limited in the South, resulting in a limitation of self expression, so I sought out to bring brands and clothes down here for the girls with the edge— so they have the access and encouragement to wear whatever they want ( I used that line in an Instagram caption, but it just encapsulates it so well lol). This brand, a cumulation of hundreds of pieces I’ve hand-picked, is a giant expression of myself. I’ve always believed you can tell a lot by someone simply from looking at his or her closet. Well, this is my giant closet I’m sharing with y'all. I want this store to feel like the house of the go-to friend for borrowing clothes— a place where you can chat, be yourself, and leave with a bomb piece you’re excited to use or wear.
I guess I’m saying all of that in preface to saying this: I’m ready to speak through more than clothes, so I’m creating a ‘lil blog section on here. I’ve had a wild life, a tough life, but a beautiful life, and I think it’s given me a unique perspective on things.
I’m no Carrie Bradshaw or Indy Blue, and I’ll be the first to admit that, but I feel like both my customers and myself are at similar points in our lives— the phase of really growing into ourselves, and hopefully this blog can be a place where more than fashion can tie us together. Love y’all.